Tuesday, August 17, 2010

From Baby to Toddler

My little Sejal is growing up fast. She has mastered the art of climbing stairs and refuses if someone tries to pick her up while climbing stairs. She wants to climb all the time and the minute we dont have our eyes on her, she is on the stairs. now we do have the stair gate but Daddy has not got any time to install it. So for now Sejal is keeping me on my toes for sure:) For last two days she is trying to walk, she stands and then she loses balance and falls on the floor, she gets up immediately and resumes the act again.

Her Food habits have changed recently. She wants a bite from our plates almost always. Wants to feed herself and many times refuses to let me feed her . Obviously this behavior is way too annoying for me cos the area around her highchair gets very messy and the time taken to feed her increases multifold. This is one new habit that she has probably picked up at her nursery. She is happy to share her food with the parents and tries to feed her daddy or me before she puts it in her mouth. Its cute but I have to keep cleaning all the time:(

Talking is another new acheivement these days. She has mastered word Daddy. Manoj gets so pleased when she says that. You have to see his face to believe me! She says Attya with a rhythm and then everything from dugdag----dugd to aaaaai----Sejal can also recognise light, if we ask her to show light, she looks up and points at the light. now her daddy got too excited about it and tried teaching her difference between man-made light and natural light------------yes you guessed it right sejal rescued herself and came to mE!

Stay tuned for more of Sejal's adventures.....



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