It is amazing how soon you forget things .. The first time I saw and held my lil’ one is still fresh in my memory but everything else is a haze. Right, trying to remember now..the first memory apparently goes back to very long nights when we used to struggle to remain awake :D.
During the first three months there was not a single hour on the clock that we didn’t see. Some days she would wake up at midnight, some days at 1pm some days at 2pm and so on. Getting to a routine was a far-cry. I tried reading all the books I could, Manoj kept going on internet wanting to find out how to put Sejal in a shedule. Then Sejal had this typical time of 9 pm where she use to start crying without any apparent reason!!! It took her the first few days to get adjusted to the light and all the surroundings which were obviously quite different when she was in the darkness of the womb. Meanwhile, friends and family poured in their wishes and enquiries in every possible mode. Some called, some sent messages over Orkut and Facebook, some visited and some sent cards and gifts by mail. We had organised a small naming ceremony party on the 28th day which went well in spite of my clumsiness and last minute preparation.
Manoj's Parents were of great help during first 8 weeks after SEJAL was born but they had to go back to India as they had only 3 months visiting visa. They were quite sad to leave their new found love. After they left and Manoj had to go with them to India, I was all alone for 5 days with 8 weeks old Sejal which was not at all easy with her 9pm tantrum. However I had Julie Benson, Danise Walsh , Arundhati Tekale's Help and guidance. Julie use to come home every day to give me company at night, Denise told us all about Roller&coaster website and gave all the books on parenting. Arundhati almost called me every morning to enquire about the day.Thank you Guys!
Sejal was very quiet in her initial days, she would just lie down and smile at us. People suggested to be careful as soon as she entered her 3rd month, they said she could start rolling over anytime now. So, our cautions rose and we started putting pillows beside her every time she was on the family bed and kept a watchful eye on her almost all the time. She would lift her legs high up in the air and wiggle them but that’s about it. It was great fun to watch her, she was super-attracted to the lights, wherever we went she would choose a favourite light on the ceiling and kept staring at it. It was not just the lights but anything which came into focus for those lil’ eyes, she would stare at them for quite a long time.. Last night she kept playing with her Dad...
It is amazing to see how the lil’ life starts to take in all the surroundings..
With Regards,